Monday, June 16, 2008

The Weekend

I don't have any pictures, because I didn't take any.

I made 2 kinds of cupcakes for Jason's birthday: white cake with whipped vanilla frosting, and devil's food cake with homemade cream cheese frosting. MMM! We froze a bunch of the cupcakes, since we had way too many (just don't frost them before freezing, and thaw them unwrapped, and supposedly they will be good as new). So, we can eat them whenever we get a desire for cake. Let's be honest, I'm the one who sometimes craves, with all my heart, a piece of cake. Lately, it's chocolate cake.

The British call cupcakes Fairy Cakes, which makes me want to put pink glitter on them.

Yesterday, we walked by Boulder Creek, which is in (drumroll, please!) Boulder! It was awesome! It was about 90 degrees outside, but in the shade near the creek, it was perfectly cool. We saw a pigeon, a little black bird that shook its fanny when it walked, and lots of people.

If you want to do a writing assignment, here is some inspiration: Take one of these overheard snippets of conversation, and expand it by writing a sentence, paragraph, or short story related to it, or including it.

1. Two women walking together.
#1: "Were they young?"
#2: "They were mid-life . . . CRISIS!"

2. A group of young people (20-ish)
Boy: "Was it like *Unsalted Butter*?"
Everyone laughs.
Girl: "Yes! It was like *Unsalted Butter*!
("unsalted butter" was said with emphasis, and was very well articulated.)

We also saw a drum circle, which is my favorite (NOT!)
Tons of people had brought their grills to the park to cook food. Now, some were those little, portable grills. But several people had somehow brought those giant big grills to the park, and wheeled them clear out into the middle of the grassy area. I was dumbfounded.

Then, we saw people practicing Capoeira, which was kind of cool. I have done that a little bit when it's incorporated into kickboxing workouts. It's fun! I asked Jason if he wanted to try it, but he did not.

We also saw people tubing down the creek, and we loved to see whether or not they'd go down the falls (sometimes they'd get out and walk on the shore instead). Some of them just casually drifted down the falls and went on their way. Some of them got dumped out, and some got trapped in the swirling water at the bottom.

Sparky, I did not see anyone pee in his own face while tubing. Maybe next time!

Today we were going to go to Water World, but since it's only 70 instead of 90, we're afraid it might be a little too cool. I think we will go to Six Flags instead, which has a little water park in it. If it's warm enough this afternoon, we can still ride some water slides and float in a wave pool.

later for you!

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