Friday, June 20, 2008

Batch 2 of Bears is DONE

Here are the finished bears from batch 2.
I've made a yellow head for the 3rd batch.
The pattern is from this book, if you want to make some bears. The ones that the author made are much more perfect than mine, and yours could be, too.

Guess what! We're cooking more food on the grill tomorrow, with some more friends. Here's what I'm making:

* Jerk chicken (I haven't ever made it before, so I hope it's worth the trouble. I have enjoyed eating it before, so I think it will be good. I'm using a recipe from Emeril which was printed in Everyday Food)
*Pasta salad
*Watermelon lemonade (I might as well just say that I'm heavily inspired by this month's Everyday Food, which is a BBQ issue. This recipe is from there, too, and Martha recommends adding vodka.)
*Fruit tart (not from Martha!)

So, hopefully that tart will look gorgeous and I'll take a picture of it.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm excited about my Amigurumi book. I ordered my copy and plan to start manufacturing adorable creatures asap. Does it teach bears only or are there other animals too? Variety would be good. If I can't figure it out, I guess I'll have to wait until August for my teacher to get here! Or I'll just call and bug you and make you describe it over the phone. Technical instructions are hard enough to write, let alone give over the phone. I'm sure you'll be able to do it though. Yay Amigurumi!
