Friday, June 20, 2008

Roller Coasters!

Jason and I went to Elitch Gardens(formerly Six Flags, but no longer) on his birthday. Yes, we had planned to go to Water World, but we changed plans when the weather was forecasted to be only 70 degrees. Yes, the day before that it was 90 degrees, but not all birthday wishes come true, ok?

We rode on lots of rides with scary names like "Mind Eraser" and some other ones that I've already forgotten.

We really liked the Tower of Doom, where you get elevated up ever so calmly, and then you DROP, FREEFALLING, 200 feet to the bottom. It was really cool. And not jerky at all.

It seems like last time we went, we felt really rattled and jerked on a lot of the rides. This time, we kept saying, "that wasn't jerky at all!" Having lower expectations can really make for a great day.

That carousel is over 80 years old, by the way. The kid running it told us, on the intercom, "Now you can go tell all your friends that you've been on an 80-year old carousel." So, now you know. His comment reminded me of when I was little, and visited my grandparents in northern Kansas, and if we crossed the border into Nebraska, grandma would say, "Now you can tell all your friends you've been to Nebraska!" I think the two events are equally exciting to my friends, but please leave comments and let me know the truth.

We also went on some water slides in the mini-water park at Elitch's. If it had been about 5 degrees warmer, it would have been perfect, but as it was, it was pretty chilly! We also went in the wave pool, which turned out to be less fun than I had imagined. And we floated down the lazy river in rafts.

Then we ate yummy garlic bread and pizza at Beau Jo's Pizza.

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