Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Little bears

Here are two little bears that I crocheted for a baby I know. I'm working on making some for all the babies I know, but it takes a while. I get pretty into it for a while and then I get distracted by some other hobby. I have hobbies again! It feels like coming home, to have so many things I want to do, rather than feeling like I don't want to do anything.

Yay for life and feeling interested!

I want to do some painting, but I don't even know where my stuff is. This weekend, I will have to track down my art stuff and start doing something with it.

Today, I need to do some work. I'm kind of pissed at them, so it makes me not want to work. They write things in IM like, "watch ur error scores. I want u to continue to do well." Well, I had one mediocre score, out of 28 scores. What the fuck? That's BAD, now? My average score is still Very Good. Why do I let such stupid shit bother me? I can't stop it from pissing me off, so I have to just find some way of getting past or around it.

This Saturday, we are having a small BBQ at our house. That should be fun. We haven't hung out with friends for a while, so I'm pretty excited. I hope I didn't forget how to talk to people! We need to figure out what we're going to have, and go get the stuff. If you have any good summer recipes, why don't you just tell me what they are?

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  1. Will you teach me to make bears and blankets? I need hobbies, too. Do you think you could make a "mini me" for Rosco? He needs a buddy, and it hurts his feelings when we don't let him run off with Connor's stuffed animals.

  2. Hi Sparky,

    Yes, and yes, and yes. Poor Rosco! He is so deprived! Francis tries to take these little bears and run off with them, so they have to be kept up high. They are good-sized for baby hands and small animal mouths.

