Friday, June 13, 2008

More little bears


Here is the status of this batch of little bears. You might be able to guess that I prefer making the bodies and heads to making the arms, legs, ears, and faces. Those littler parts are a bit tougher to make, and the faces completely determine the personalities of the bears, which is quite important. I don't want to give any mean, or sad, or disappointed little bears to the babies I know! So, the pressure is soul-crushing, as you can imagine! Just kidding, but I do have to pay a bit more attention when I make the faces, so I can't be concentrating on a movie or anything.

More importantly, I'm so glad that everyone I know in Kansas is safe and their homes are unharmed! Tornadoes are very scary, as I remember witnessing several from too close for comfort as a child. We lived in a trailer, and next to a corn field, so all the stereotypes were fulfilled when the tornadoes came barreling across the flat farmland and toward our neighborhood. We were supposed to go to City Hall and sit in the basement there. But, when my sister and I were home alone after school (we were latchkey kids), it was tough to decide if we should WALK to City Hall, totally exposed to rain and whatever debris might fly (or the eerie calm that comes right before the tornado -- KIDS DO NOT LIKE EERIE!), or stay in our house and see if the whole thing got picked up, Wizard of Oz-style. We were lucky, and never got picked up by any tornadoes and taken to Oz. Not even our chiuahua got picked up!

In other news, Jason is about to turn 33 years old, and we're going to Water World to swim and go down water slides, and float in a wave pool, or whatever activities they have there. And, separately, I'm going to make cupcakes! Is anything cuter than cupcakes? All of you who know Jason know that he doesn't particularly care about "cute," but he is a fairly good sport about my appreciation of it.
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  1. You could always leave the legs and arms off of the bears . . . quadruple amputee teddy bears need homes too. AND it would give mom practice at explaining difficult things. Explanations of quadruple amputee teddy bears could lead to some creative answers for Why is the sky blue? Why is that lady fat? Why does my friend have two daddies and why are they kissing? Where do babies come from? The list could go on and on. Now every time you are making those cute little faces, you'll know the trauma you will cause. Go ahead. Give them all frowns while you're at it. :-)

  2. Sparky, I can always count on you for pragmatic solutions to my problems! Did you start your blog yet, or will I have to wait indefinitely? Maybe you can use it to spell out some possible answers to those difficult questions. And saying, "because I said so" is cheating!

  3. I started to start my blog this morning, but somebody already took SparkySays. Do you have any suggestions???

  4. OOH, SparkySays was a good one. Can you use "SparkySays!" or "I am Sparky" or "Sparky Says"? I will think "on" it for a while and get back to you soon.
