Thursday, June 12, 2008

Weather and Google mapping

Time article about Midwest Weather

All the states I used to live in are having awful weather! Iowa, Kansas, Illinios and Wisconsin are being hit by floods and tornadoes. I had beautiful weather here in Colorado today, aside from some wind. It was in the 70s and nice and sunny. Poor Midwest!

So, thinking about Wisconsin, I used Google maps to find and look at street view pictures of the place I worked (Dept of Corrections) and both apartment buildings I lived in. They're both still standing! I was disappointed that the street view photos did not feature any cars being towed. I think I got towed 5 times when I lived on Williamson street. In the morning, you could only park on the side of the street going away from downtown, but in the evening, it switched. Finally, I got a parking spot behind the building and Kris got to be towed regularly by herself. Don't worry, I'd drive her around the side streets to find her car. They just towed them out of the way.

I may have to see how many other towns I can look at with street view. I think they started with big cities and are still expanding from there, but some towns may never get photographed.

This spring has been really focused on thinking about the past, and people I used to know, and things I used to do. I guess when I'm done with that, I'll have to move forward!


  1. Tonya,
    Wednesday night was the closest I've ever been to a tornado -- it was about 7 blocks from our house at one point. We were all huddled in a closet with a Ashley's mattress pulled over us. It was scary. The damage is unbelievable. I've never seen tornado damage in person until yesterday, and it is not hyperbole to say that pictures never do the damage justice. Around 15-20 homes in an old neighborhood were completely destroyed, as well a hardware store. Also, one of the storage rental places was demolished. Can you imagine that mess -- hundreds of people's stuff from all those storage units all mixed up?
    Anyways, all I got to do yesterday to help was stand for 9 hours in the same place and make sure only residents and helpers were driving into the area. Well, not the exact same place, I could walk around a little, but you get the idea. It was not the most mind stimulating thing I've ever done. At least we were all okay and had no damage.

  2. Scott - Good, you are ok. I didn't have your phone number and I didn't have time to look up your email address. I called Sarah this morning and left a messaging hoping that everybody was ok.

    Tonya - Our house isn't even on Google maps yet, and it was built in 2001. If you search my address, it points you to the back of a pick-up truck down the street. Funny.
