Friday, November 6, 2009

Book 85: Dracula

Since May, I've been reading Dracula by Bram Stoker, in installments. This blogger posts epistolary novels (written in the form of diaries or letters) so that the entry in the novel dated November 5th is revealed (or sent to your blog reader) on November 5th.

It was a fun way to read Dracula, having to wait to see what would happen, and suffering along with the characters for months instead of just days or weeks.

The novel itself tells of an old, old vampire who decides to move to England, where the locals weren't yet terrified of him. But he makes the mistake of biting the wrong women! Those gals have some tough guys in love with them, and those guys know an unconventional doctor from Amsterdam who knows a few things about vampires.

Sometimes it's boring, like many old horror novels. But there are great phrasings, like, "I bethought myself" to make up for it.

I will try to finish the JFK conspiracy theory book this weekend. I also recorded some show about different JFK assassination theories, so I can watch that and I'll be all consipiracy-obsessed. Might as well make a weekend of it and re-watch last week's "Mad Men," in which the characters react to JFK's death. "WHAT IS GOING ON?" screams Betty at the TV when Oswald gets shot by Jack Ruby, as well she should!

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