Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tour of Dad's Childhood, part 5

Hmm, I can't find the pictures from Tatum. Weird. Anyway, Dad liked it there. He worked or at least hung out at a printing shop, learning all the steps and processes involved. He was disappointed to move back to Elida after the good times in Tatum.

We took pictures of a little house that they lived in. Dad parked in front, and I took photos from inside the car. I took a couple, and suddenly the house's door flew open! I though someone was going to come running out, demanding to know what we were doing taking pictures of their house. But it was just the wind. We could see that the house was full of stuff, but since no one came to shut the door, it seemed that no one was home and the door was left unlocked (and not latched very well).

Also, Dad informed me that in Air Force, he was a mechanic and diesel generator operator. He has always been a tinkerer, as was his dad. I just put it together that I like tinkering with things, too. Like when I took apart my sewing machine, or when I tried to fix the sink (it was unfixable by an amateur and the plumber charged $700 and had to cut a hole in the wall!), and when I used to fix my VCR about once a week when it ate tapes.

It's fun to realize the things I have in common with my parents. Another surprise was realizing that I look a lot like Mom did at my age.

This kind of posting is called, "procrastinating." I'm doing it instead of applying for 90 jobs. I'm going to stop it right... now.

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