Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Blog

After reconnecting with some friends from my high school days, I keep remembering how much fun it was to have a 'zine. Since it will be so much easier to share pictures this way, I'm going to try to do it electronically instead. But, I do kind of long for a paper version. So, we'll see if this takes or not.

Right now, I'm doing editing from home. After about a month, I'm really starting to enjoy it. The thought of sitting in a cubicle for 40 hours a week just isn't appealing to me at the moment. I'm building a more anti-bourgeois attitude -- the result of which remains to be seen. I feel like I'm on the verge of DOING SOMETHING, though I don't know what. It's exciting, because it might be something pretty cool. It might just be an extreme haircut, but it could be the creation of something cool.

So, get ready! Something is brewing. :)


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