Saturday, January 2, 2010

The return of nice handwriting

Not in general -- this is not a diatribe about how kids these days don't learn to write in cursive. It's only about my own handwriting.

During law school, I lost my handwriting. Instead of my attractive, legible writing, I scrawled and scribbled and sometimes I couldn't even read it myself. You see, we were crowded together like nobody's business and I couldn't get into my correct writing posture. I prefer to put my whole forearm on the desk and turn kind of sideways to write nicely.

No, I'm not lefthanded. I just like to rest my arm on the desk so that my hand can move more freely and possibly boisterously. I need to write flamboyantly!

Plus, I was writing so fast to try not to miss anything, and then I was writing for so LONG -- hours and hours sometimes, and my hand would cramp up and the only thing that could move was my shoulder joint as I desperately clutched my pen Bob Dole-style.

And now I notice that my old handwriting, which I prefer, has made a reappearance, just 2 years and 8 months since graduating. All right!

But, does it have any significance? Does it mean that the Old Me is back??? Who was she and what's she done with the Other Me?


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