Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Less-Bad Evening

So, supposedly the writer of the email has been chewed out by phone, and supposedly he feels very sorry for sending the email. It was supposed to be a joke about my husband, and it was only accidentally a degradation of me, you see. So I'm supposed to feel sorry for him because he feels so terrible. Well, I don't. I'm glad that he feels badly and I hope he is really ashamed of himself.

And I talked to my sister on the phone, who knows that when I'm feeling really upset and like I've been harmed in some way, I just need someone to listen and be appalled with me! Don't start giving advice! Don't try to convince me that it's not that bad! Maybe you can LATER, but at first, just take my side!! Thanks, sister. I really needed that.

And I slept for a couple hours and feel a lot better. Though now I'm ravenous and I sure wish I had a chocolate baked good to eat for supper. :)

The best news is, I think I'm all cried out, finally. But for now, I'm keeping today as The Worst Day, hopefully never to be topped. And I did several loads of laundry while I was upset, so at least I don't have that waiting for me!

Also, if you're ever having a terrible day, I recommend watching some kind of insipid TV show, if you can. For me, it was a few episodes of The Hills, a show about stupid rich kids whose parents buy them cool jobs in LA. Oh, boo hoo! The rich girls have such trouble meeting decent guys and getting internships at makeup companies! Wahhh! It makes your own problems seem more substantial, valid, and worth brooding over.


  1. Okay Tonya ... I know your sister and have not met you but I read your blog because I love the book reviews ... have even found good reads through your blog .. which I LOVE ... so here is my very Motherly and probably unnecessary advice ... breathe deeply ... get a voodoo doll and stick a thousand pins in him ... relax ... know you are hormonally crazed right now in your life ... breathe ... send an email to everyone who received the nasty one ... full of news and happy information ... and by the way you don't know what to do with the "joke" because it wasn't funny. Breathe ... relax ...

    The car accident is another matter. Having just been in one that totalled my car I KNOW how amazingly stessful that is ... so again, breathe, rest, relax, it's only a car... thankfully you were unhurt by the floozie ...

  2. Thanks, Paula! I know I wouldn't have gotten so upset if not for the extra hormones racing through me. Or if the things would have occurred farther apart. :)

    Too bad that knowing it's [partly] the hormones doesn't make me feel less upset! At least I know that the feelings will pass.

  3. Oh my gosh! Call me anytime and I'll be as appalled as you need someone to be. And, if you can make it happen, I'll let you punch me through the phone so you can exert physical aggression (feels great). Hope you are having a great weekend - can't wait to see you!


  4. Thanks, Sparky! I would never, ever want to punch you, even through the phone. :)
