Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm Juror #11

Guess what. In March, I received a jury summons in the mail. This week, I just barely remembered in time. So, I called the phone number on Tuesday night to see if I really had to go, and I did.

Then I spent literally hours waiting to find out if I would be chosen. AND I WAS!

I can't tell you about the case, but I can tell you a few things about the day and the situation.

1. Someone pushes his glasses up above his eyes when he doesn't need them for seeing. Not on top of his head, sunglasses-style. Just up above his eyebrows.

2. Someone has a suspicious mustache.

3. I could do as good a job as the lawyers, and I'm terrified of courtroom lawyering.

4. Someone keeps mispronouncing legal terms. Someone who should know better!

5. Just like law school, and like The Law in general, jury duty is a little bit interesting but mostly boring, boring, mind-numbingly boring.

I have to go back tomorrow to see what we decide. I already know what I think, but who knows what is going on in anyone else's mind?


  1. ha!! oh no!!

    Not Juror # 11.

    Does this inspire you to "get back to it?"

    (See my blog post from yesterday!)

  2. It was kind of fun to be back in the legal world, but it was like 5% really interesting and 95% REALLY boring, just like law school. Like you, I still think I made the right choice for myself. :)
