Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Bikes!

The other day Jason went into the garage to see if his bike was ride-able. He filled up the tires and checked the chain. The bike has been hanging from a giant hook in the garage since we moved to this house, over two years ago.

He started to take it for a spin, but some part of the shifting mechanism was broken! Curses! Within 28 hours, we both had new mountain bikes. Within a couple more hours, we both had sore bottoms from riding bikes for the first time in years (a couple for him, and I think 12 for me, except for the time I rode a cruiser around inside his office building).

So far we've gone on a ride EVERY DAY since we got the bikes (TWO days in a row!). I haven't quite mastered jumping up onto curbs yet, but I bet I will within a couple more days.

I tried to find out local bike laws, but our city doesn't post them online. Maybe they don't even have any. The state says you have to have a headlight on the front after dark, plus side and rear reflectors. You can ride on the sidewalk unless local law prohibits it. You are like a car unless you get off and walk (you must yield to pedestrians and stop at stop signs). You must ride single-file unless you can see that you're not impeding traffic by riding two abreast.

You also must keep at least one hand on the handlebars AT ALL TIMES. I plan on learning how to ride with no hands, so I guess I'll have to get good at looking out for the police. They can't wait to getcha for LOOK MA, NO HANDS!

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