Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 2 of Jogging

Day 2 successfully completed. Here is what plan I'm following: Couch-to-5K

* Running is harder than it seems like it should be. I can do much harder cardio workouts for over an hour and not get so out of breath. I know that I will adapt and it will get easier, but DANG!

* It's really nice to be outside, trotting around the lake, enjoying the view of the Rockie Mountains.

* I feel silly jogging. It seems like an incredibly silly thing to do.

* I feel a sense of community with the other joggers. They give me knowing looks, like we're on the same wavelength. It's kind of nice.

* So far my worst pains have been high up in my quads and in my low, low shins. How nice to give my hip flexors a break! I think hip flexor pain was what killed my last running attempt. How doubly nice that my knees aren't killing me. My knees have hurt almost every day for the last 20 years, so when they don't hurt, it's awesome.

So, I know I owe you some book reviews, and they're coming. I am feeling resistance to (against?) writing them now. I don't know why, maybe just to rebel against my own, totally voluntary commitment? Maybe laziness. Maybe I don't want to revisit those books since I'm already in the middle of three more. What does YOUR pop psychology tell you about my behavior?

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