Jason found an interesting house for rent on Craigslist. The people renting it seem to be religious fanatics, but they are also moving to West Africa for 8 years, so we may never have to interact with them. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, and a 2-car garage. In the ad, it says there is a hot tub. In an email, he says, "Swimming Pool," but we think there may be a language barrier. So, we're going to drive over there and see what it looks like, and I think Jason is emailing again to ask for some more information.
In the photos, the place is fully furnished, so we want to make sure that all their stuff is going to be gone. It would be pretty cool to have a whole house! I'll keep you updated. It is fairly likely that the situation will be weird in some way. But, it's fun to imagine moving and decorating a new place.
It seems to just have a swamp cooler, which is not as good as A/C. But, it can work well in some houses. We currently use a little one in just our bedroom, and it works pretty well there. I think there is a trick to making the central ones work, plus the directions of your windows can make a huge difference in how hot your house gets.
Okay, I'll stop thinking about it until later.
Monday, May 19, 2008
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