Sunday, October 25, 2009

100 Years

If my grandma Inez were still alive, she would have celebrated being 100 years old on October 12th! It is hard for me to believe that I knew someone who was alive 100 years ago. Sometimes I forget how old I am, or how long it's been since I was a teenager. Time is getting harder to keep track of.

I never spent a lot of time with my grandparents since we lived far away from them. I didn't know them well. But they raised my mom to be a very intelligent, caring, thoughtful, responsible, daring, funny woman. My strongest memory of my grandma is of her smiling shyly, and like she was on the verge of giggling. She had a great smile.

She also had beautiful lilac bushes in her yard, and I always think a house should have lilac bushes. And a big porch. And candy on hand at all times. And a dressmaking dummy. And an attic filled with old treasures. And lots of smiles and giggles.

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