Friday, April 3, 2009

Or Whoever

Reading all this religious matter has made me think back to my childhood, when I went to Methodist church. I don't seem to have too many real memories -- more like impressions, mostly.

But I do remember one Sunday in youth group, when I must have been 12. I think you were allowed to attend youth group instead of Sunday School when you turned 12. One teen, Kim, was supposed to tell us a particular Bible story. Here's pretty much how it went:

"So then Jesus or whoever was all like, 'Don't do that!' or whatever..."

Did I ever tell you that I used to laugh inappropriately as a child? Like, A Lot. Oh, in church, in school, wherever someone was tripping or slipping or having Freudian slips or whatever. Kim made me giggle a lot.

Another time she asked what "the" meant. You know how sometimes you pronounce it "thee" like if you say "the end"? Sometimes you say "thuh" and sometimes you say "thee". Well, Kim had somehow made it to her teens without ever knowing what people meant by "the end". That was another uproariously funny church moment for me -- or upsnickerously funny, maybe.

Poor Kim. Or whoever.


  1. As an adult I am sure you are still laughing, but quietly to yourself.

  2. I still burst out laughing uncontrollably occasionally. It's pretty rare now, though. But yeah, I definitely laugh by myself inside my head.
