Friday, March 27, 2009

Ray Liotta on Martha Stewart's Show

I don't get to watch Martha much anymore since our local network stopped broadcasting it. I have to watch it on Fine Living Network in the evening, which is weird. It's a morning show.

Anyway, I caught it today, and Martha had Ray trying to make some sort of savory pie, and he stopped at one point and said, "I just can't believe there's a show about this."

Later, they were talking about how Hannibal Lecter fed Ray's character part of his own brain in a movie. Martha told him that she used to date Anthony Hopkins (who plays Hannibal), and after she saw that movie, she just couldn't follow through with her plan to invite him to her house.

All Ray cared about was this: Was Anthony a good kisser?

Oh yes! He's terrific. He's a remarkable actor, so he can do anything. [something like that -- I forget which adjectives she chose]

Then when they were going to commercial, you could hear Ray over the music, "So how long did you go out with Anthony?"

It was so funny that he was all into Martha's gossip, AND that he had no idea that a show could exist that's about cooking and crafts and gardening.

ETA: Michi pointed out that we can all watch this on Martha's website. It's in two parts. Ray and Martha. Sorry, you'll have to click on the right segment, unless you want to watch the whole episode.


  1. Just watched it on Martha's website. "Bob" even enjoyed it!

  2. I bet "Bob" was totally into the Martha dating gossip, too. That "Bob"!

    Okay, I was fascinated as well. Who would that persnickety, controlling woman possibly be interested in dating? Of course: a man who seems equally persnickety and controlling.
