Friday, September 18, 2009

We're Moving!

Oh, we're so excited to leave our current place. We are overrun here with little kids and their nosy parents, especially the busybodies next door. The Rat tail family didn't end up moving, so their 5 kids are still here, still clickety-clacking their scooters up and down the sidewalk for hours on end, screaming at each other, "stop following me!"

The crayon drawings on the sidewalk and our driveway have faded a bit, but I believe they will still be visible in 2010.

Our new place is another townhome, but the neighborhood is a lot less crowded. There is a lot more distance between our door and the sidewalk (here, it is 2 feet). I have not seen any kids or noisy people at all near our building. I'm sure there will be plenty of surprises there, but at least the Rat tail family and the busybodies won't be there!

The experience of meeting with the landlady yesterday at the new place gave me lots of ideas for scary or mystery stories:

* The landlady doesn't really own the place, but is having us move all our stuff in and she'll steal it. She has a lot of personal information about us which she will use to steal our identities. (The fact that she's a scam artist explains why she has no idea which mailbox is ours, or what day is trash day!)

* The landlady is actually the last, bad, dirty tenant! She and her common-law husband will kill us in our sleep, like they did the landlord & landlady.

* If you crawl far enough into the crawl space, you'll find the real landlord and landlady's bodies.

I better stop daydreaming and get back to packing now. I might be back with more scenarios later.

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