And she is really big! According to the sonogram measurements, she is in the 95th percentile. I will be tested for gestational diabetes, which worried me at first, but now I have found out that most pregnant women are tested for it. Also, that type of diabetes is usually not that big of a deal, unless you're obese or have some other issues, and I am not even overweight and don't have any other pregnancy-related issues. We just won't talk about other kinds of issues for now.
She may just be big, because Jason and I are both around 6 feet tall. And Jason weighed over 10 pounds when he was born. Plus, those measurements are imperfect. So I'm not worrying about GD unless I find out that I have it. And I'm not thinking about the delivery of a giant baby yet -- I have plenty of time to deal with that terrifying prospect!
But it is a good additional reason to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. It is so easy to let myself have lots of treats! I deserve them, come on! But for good health, the baby and I need the best nutrition I can get, so I'm trying to be a better eater.
Our little girl is also super active! Both times we have seen her on the sonogram screens, she has been twisting and somersaulting and throwing her arms over her head. It took about an hour for our sonographer to get the 8 measurements he needed. I think it often takes about 20 or 30 minutes. But our little wiggler would not hold still long enough to be measured. And I had NOT just had any caffiene or sugar -- imagine if I had!
In other baby news, we have had some squatters in our back yard. Aren't they cute?
Little cottontail rabbits! All they want to do is eat my whole garden and dig lots of holes in our yard. Awwww, so cute! When I spotted the first one amongst the cucumber plants, I was simultaneously SO mad (we've been fighting to keep the parents out of the yard since we moved in) and FILLED with a desire to pick it up and pet it and try to tame it and keep it as a pet.
Don't worry -- I didn't touch it. Jason put on gloves and caught it (it screamed when he picked it up!) and then we found two more lurking around. We carried them a few blocks away and let them out in an open space area. According to the internet, they are big enough to survive on their own. I just hope they can't find us again. Then they'll want to have THEIR babies in our yard, and you know how quickly they multiply! They only gestate for one month and can have up to 12 babies in a litter.
Hopefully they enjoy their new home enough that they don't come back.
Goodbye, cutie!